Relocation to Savyon – Important Information

Savyon is a prestigious suburb located 20 minutes east of Tel Aviv. A quality settlement of villas and private homes on large plots. A very “green” and well maintained residential area with cultural and community life and recreation time, make Savyon an ideal location for Israelis, returning residents who studied, worked and prospered overseas and they want, together with their families, to relocate to Israel.

Savyon was established by the Africa-Israel Investment Company in 1951 as a residential community for South Africans moving to Israel. Savyon was divided into large plots of 1.25 dunam and up to 5 dunam and more. The country club is situated on a 35 dunam plot in the center of the community. Savyon has 500 dunam of green public areas that are protected from rezoning.

In 2004 Savyon was unified with Ganei Yehuda and both now are combined into one Local Council comprising 4,500 dunam of which 2,850 dunam are built up. The population number of Savyon-Ganei Yehuda now reaches 3,100. The socio-economic rating of Savyon is 10 out of 10. 88% of the children matriculate from high school, this number signifies a high level of education.

The Local Council (8 Hashikma Street, Savyon, Tel 03-7370900) offers many programs from the very young to senior citizens. There are many social and sport activities, “fun” days, competitive sports, and camps for children during vacations periods. There is an active scout chapter – “Canaan”. In the Yad Lebanim building (Hashikma Street, Savyon, Tel 03-73070916) there is a library of 30,000 books in English and Hebrew. Beit Braude conducts various activities and a bridge clubs. The Savyon country club (03-6351015) offers vast lawns, a playground for children, swimming pools, tennis courts, a bowling green as well as spinning and a class for Latin dancing, swimming and tennis instruction.



“Savyon” is the name of a popular yellow wild flower (Senecio). “Savyon” has become a logo for luxurious residential communities built by Africa-Israel Investment Company, for example, Ganei Savyon and Givat Savyon in Ganei Tikva and Savyonei Aviv in Ramat Aviv. The brand name of Savyon classifies them as high quality communities.